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This workflow should show the full strength of the RRatepol package and serve as step-by-step guidance starting from downloading dataset from Neotoma, building age-depth models, to estimating rate-of-change using age uncertainty.

⚠️This workflow is only meant as an example: There are several additional steps for data preparation, which should be done to properly implement RRatepol and assess the rate of change of a fossil pollen dataset from Neotoma!

For an even more detailed step-by-step workflow with fossil pollen data, please see other package materials, such as African Polled Database workshop.

Additionally, please see FOSSILPOL, an R-based modular workflow to process multiple fossil pollen records to create a comprehensive, standardized dataset compilation, ready for multi-record and multi-proxy analyses at various spatial and temporal scales.

Finally, for workflows using other data types (e.g., geochemistry and XRF), see Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research Workshop.

Install packages

Make a list of packages needed from CRAN

package_list <-
    "tidyverse", # general data wrangling and visualisation
    "neotoma2", # access to the Neotoma database
    "pander", # nice tables
    "Bchron", # age-depth modelling
    "janitor", # string cleaning
    "remotes" # installing packages from GitHub

Install all packages from CRAN

  package_list, utils::install.packages

Attach packages

library(tidyverse) # general data wrangling and visualisation
library(pander) # nice tables
library(RRatepol) # rate-of-vegetation change
library(neotoma2) # obtain data from the Neotoma database
library(Bchron) # age-depth modeling
library(janitor) # string cleaning

Download the dataset Glendalough Valley from Neotoma

gl_dataset_download <-

Prepare the pollen counts

# get samples
gl_counts <-

# select only "pollen" taxa
gl_taxon_list_selected <-
  neotoma2::taxa(gl_dataset_download) %>%
  dplyr::filter(element == "pollen") %>%

# prepare taxa table
gl_counts_selected <-
  gl_counts %>% %>%
  dplyr::mutate(sample_id = as.character(sampleid)) %>%
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::select("sample_id", "value", "variablename") %>%
  # only include selected taxons
    variablename %in% gl_taxon_list_selected
  ) %>%
  # turn into the wider format
    names_from = "variablename",
    values_from = "value",
    values_fill = 0
  ) %>%
  # clean names

head(gl_counts_selected)[, 1:5]
sample_id larix cichorioideae prunus_type apiaceae
161508 1 1 1 1
161509 0 1 0 0
161510 0 1 0 0
161511 0 1 0 0
161512 0 2 0 0
161513 0 0 0 1

Here, we strongly advocate that attention should be paid to the selection of the ecological groups as well as the harmonisation of the pollen taxa. However, that is not the subject of this workflow, but any analysis to be published needs careful preparation of the fossil pollen datasets before using R-Ratepol!

Preparation of the levels

Sample depth

Extract depth for each level

gl_level <-
  neotoma2::samples(gl_dataset_download) %>%
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(sample_id = as.character(sampleid)) %>%
  dplyr::distinct(sample_id, depth) %>%

sample_id depth
161508 0
161509 8
161510 16
161511 24
161512 32
161513 40

Age depth modelling

e will recalculate the age-depth model ‘de novo’ using the Bchron package.

Prepare chron.control table and run Bchron

The chronology control table contains all the dates (mostly radiocarbon) to create the age-depth model.

Here we only present a few of the important steps of preparation of the chronology control table. There are many more potential issues, but solving those is not the focus of this workflow.

# First, get the chronologies and check which we want to use used
gl_chron_control_table_download <-

Table continues below
siteid chronologyid depth thickness agelimitolder chroncontrolid
11577 9691 0 0 -45 37155
11577 9691 210 3 1710 37156
11577 9691 426 4 2340 37157
11577 9691 630 4 2530 37158
11577 9691 1056 3 4090 37159
11577 9691 1105 4 4510 37160
agelimityounger chroncontrolage chroncontroltype
-45 -45 Core top
1590 1650 Radiocarbon
2280 2310 Radiocarbon
2470 2500 Radiocarbon
4030 4060 Radiocarbon
4410 4460 Radiocarbon
# prepare the table
gl_chron_control_table <-
  gl_chron_control_table_download %>%
  dplyr::filter(chronologyid == 9691) %>%
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
  # Here we calculate the error as the average of the age `limitolder` and
  #   `agelimityounger`
    error = round((agelimitolder - agelimityounger) / 2)
  ) %>%
  # As Bchron cannot accept a error of 0, we need to replace the value with 1
    error = replace(error, error == 0, 1),
    error = ifelse(, 1, error)
  ) %>%
  # We need to specify which calibration curve should be used for what point
    curve = ifelse(["lat"] > 0, "intcal20", "shcal20"),
    curve = ifelse(chroncontroltype != "Radiocarbon", "normal", curve)
  ) %>%
  tibble::column_to_rownames("chroncontrolid") %>%
    chroncontrolage, error, depth, thickness, chroncontroltype, curve

Table continues below
  chroncontrolage error depth thickness chroncontroltype
37155 -45 1 0 0 Core top
37156 1650 60 210 3 Radiocarbon
37157 2310 30 426 4 Radiocarbon
37158 2500 30 630 4 Radiocarbon
37159 4060 30 1056 3 Radiocarbon
37160 4460 50 1105 4 Radiocarbon
37155 normal
37156 intcal20
37157 intcal20
37158 intcal20
37159 intcal20
37160 intcal20

As this is just a toy example, we will use only the iteration multiplier (i_multiplier) of 0.1 to reduce the computation time. However, we strongly recommend increasing it to 5 for any normal age-depth model construction.

i_multiplier <- 0.1 # increase to 5

# Those are default values suggested by the Bchron package
n_iteration_default <- 10e3
n_burn_default <- 2e3
n_thin_default <- 8

# Let's multiply them by our i_multiplier
n_iteration <- n_iteration_default * i_multiplier
n_burn <- n_burn_default * i_multiplier
n_thin <- max(c(1, n_thin_default * i_multiplier))

gl_bchron <-
    ages = gl_chron_control_table$chroncontrolage,
    ageSds = gl_chron_control_table$error,
    positions = gl_chron_control_table$depth,
    calCurves = gl_chron_control_table$curve,
    positionThicknesses = gl_chron_control_table$thickness,
    iterations = n_iteration,
    burn = n_burn,
    thin = n_thin

Visually check the age-depth models


Predict ages

Let’s first extract posterior ages from the age-depth model (i.e. possible ages)

age_position <-
  Bchron:::predict.BchronologyRun(object = gl_bchron, newPositions = gl_level$depth)

age_uncertainties <-
  age_position %>% %>%
  dplyr::mutate_all(., as.integer) %>%

colnames(age_uncertainties) <- gl_level$sample_id

gl_level_predicted <-
  gl_level %>%
    age = apply(
      age_uncertainties, 2,
      probs = 0.5

sample_id depth age
161508 0 -44
161509 8 16
161510 16 77
161511 24 138
161512 32 199
161513 40 259

Estimation Rate-of-Change

Here we use the the prepared data to estimate the rate of vegetation change. We will be using the Chi-squared coefficient as the dissimilarity coefficient (works best for pollen data, dissimilarity_coefficient = "chisq"), and time_standardisation == 500 (this means that all ROC values are ‘change per 500 yr’). We will add smoothing of the pollen data using smooth_method = "shep" (i.e. Shepard’s 5-term filter). Finally, we will use the method of the “binning with the mowing window” (working_units = "MW"). This is again a toy example for a quick computation and we would recommend increasing the set_randomisations to 10.000 for any real estimation.

set_randomisations <- 100 # increase to 10e3

gl_roc <-
    data_source_community = gl_counts_selected,
    data_source_age = gl_level_predicted,
    age_uncertainty = age_uncertainties, # Add the uncertainty matrix
    smooth_method = "shep", # Shepard's 5-term filter
    dissimilarity_coefficient = "chisq",
    working_units = "MW", # set to "MW" to apply the "moving window"
    bin_size = 500, # size of a time bin
    number_of_shifts = 5,
    standardise = TRUE, # set the taxa standardisation
    n_individuals = 150, # set the number of pollen grains
    rand = set_randomisations, # set number of randomisations
    use_parallel = FALSE # use_parallel = TRUE to use parallel calculation

Detect peak-points and plot the results

We will detect a significant increase in RoC values (i.e. peak-points). Specifically, we will use the “Non-linear” method, which will detect significant change from a non-linear trend of RoC

gl_roc_peaks <-
    data_source = gl_roc,
    sel_method = "trend_non_linear"

Plot the estimates showing the peak-points

  data_source = gl_roc_peaks,
  peaks = TRUE,
  trend = "trend_non_linear"